About us

B: We are B and H, a now-married couple and this is the story of our life in the remote Falkland Islands. In August 2015, I proposed to H then promptly flew down to become the only History teacher in the Falklands’ only Secondary school. Originally going for a 2-year term, we ended up staying for nearly 5 incredible years surrounded by wilderness, sheep, penguins and the South Atlantic. Sadly, we had to leave the islands that we love so much, but we kept this record during our time there. This is what we got up to and what life is like there for the benefit of our friends and family (and anyone else who happens to be intrigued by the Islands).

In early 2015, before we left the UK, we wrote this:

P1030909B: “I guess I’m the reason we’re heading to Stanley: I’ve been teaching History for two years and have now taken up the post of History teacher for the Falkland Islands Community School (the only Secondary school on the Islands). People keep asking ‘why the Falklands?’ and the easiest answer is because I wrote my undergraduate dissertation on the Falklands conflict. Since then, it’s been on the hit-list and this was an opportunity we couldn’t turn down”.

Hannah: “I’m studying Physio (finish in September 2015) and heading to the Falklands in October, so hopefully B will have things all set up and unpacked by the time I arrive! With just 3,000 people, I’ll be adding to the Irish contingent on the Islands. I can’t say the 18 hour flight down is a selling point but I’m sure I’ll make some friends on the way (RAF friends!). I will be looking for my very own Monty and Mable. I’ve had a crash course in Falklands facts and history in the last few months and I think I know more than quite a few British people! Shame on you all”.

We want this to be as interactive as possible so please comment and keep in touch regularly!

17 thoughts on “About us

  1. Hi Bailey and Hanna, my wife Marinella and I, together with our little baby Frida, are relocating from Italy to Stanley at the beginning of February. I will take up a position at the FIG. In the last months while we were filling all the forms and preparing for such a big move, your blog has been a huge source of inspiration for us and I would like to thank you for this 🙂 We hope to have the chance to meet you in person in the Islands! In the meantime, I would like to ask you one question re photography as I understand you are passionate about that. Is there any chance to buy any equipment (either new or used) in the Islands? We are not experts but would like to start practicing when we get there, however our baggage allowance is limited, so we would prefer to buy something in Stanley rather than bringing it from Italy. Thank you! Kind regards. Davide and Marinella


  2. Hey! Found your blog whilst researching FIG for an overseas contract interview a couple of weeks ago and ended up reading everything and getting very excited about the prospect of potentially getting the job! I was successful in the interview (and probably have you both partly to thank for helping me know what I am letting myself in for), so now have the daunting task of completing all of our forms getting ready for the upcoming move! Hopefully my husband and I will get to meet you both in a few months time.


    • Hi Lesley,
      Congratulations on getting the job and glad the blog was able to help. We only really meant it for friends and family to see what we were up to but glad others are finding it useful. I’m sure we’ll meet when you get here, it’s a little inevitable in a small community like this and you’re not the first to bump into us from the blog. We know what it’s like to move down with little idea of life here so if you have any questions then get in touch and I can pass on my email address.


        • Hi Lesley, glad you’ve made it OK and hope it’s all going well for you. We’re still doing well here and let us know if you need anything or if you are wondering anything. You’ll find us, I’m sure!


  3. Hey! Found your blog whilst researching FIG for an overseas contract interview a couple of weeks ago and ended up reading everything and getting very excited about the prospect of potentially getting the job! I was successful in the interview (and probably have you both partly to thank for helping me know what I am letting myself in for), so now have the daunting task of completing all of our forms getting ready for the upcoming move! Hopefully, I will get to meet you in a few months time.


    • Hi Lois, thanks for stopping by on the blog. We’re enjoying it very much out here thank you! Hopefully that’s coming across in the blog. We’re just on half term now so we’ll be up to a few more adventures. It’s very different but has some amazing parts to it. I’m missing my old form too! I’ve shipped the presents from you all down so no chance of me forgetting you all, don’t worry!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hello again sir,
      Something is wrong with my I pad air. It will be fixed soon. I hope you are getting on ok and I hope that both you and Hannah are ok. Speak to you soon sir


  4. Great blog, I blog myself at Life in Russia. I’m introducing your blog to my readers. Hope you don’t mind. You will find a small portion of one of your post with a link to your own. The reason I do this is because I believe it’s very important to have a broader understanding of other cultures and countries. If you have any questions or would like to do a guest post, I would love to have you do so. Let me know.


    • Thanks, how did you stumble upon it? Please feel free to share it, it’s mostly for our friends and family to keep up with what we’re up to but I’m more than happy for people to read about life here. I’m new to blogging and I’m not sure what I’d have to say on a guest blog but I’ll have a look at your blog and get back to you once I have some time and energy (we’ve had a bit of an epic day, as you’ll see on the blog soon).
      Thanks for following!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Found you on Google, I do what I call Mirror Reflections on my blog where I match up other countries beautiful landscapes with Russia’s. It just started out of coincidence and has become a part of my blog. Anyway I hope you enjoy your time in the Falklands, they sure are beautiful. By the way I teach here in Russia as well.


        • Oh OK, I didn’t even think about people finding me on Google searching for the Islands, good to know that’s going on. Sounds like an interesting part to your blog, I’ve had a look at a few posts. Any tips on blogging? What do you teach?


          • Yes, I typed Falkland Islands, wordpress and you came up at the top. Have you had any of my followers find your blog? I hope so.

            I’ve never been asked about blogging tips, this is a first. I guess blog and post about your passion. I’ve heard post once a day but that can sometimes lead to “dry” posts. I blog when I feel lead to blog then no matter what it seems to turn out pretty good.

            Well that interesting in itself, I moved to Russia because my wife is Russian, best thing I’ve ever done. I’ve got to be honest life is hard here, but then an easy life leads no where. What I teach – I’ve taught Russian History because I have a deep passion for it, I’ve also taught Geography on the High school level, at the university level I’ve taught Conversational English, Mass Media, Business and much more. Living here has been such an eye opening experience, I’ve gained such a better view of the world. I really wish that more Americans would travel outside the U.S. they’d not be quick to condemn other countries


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